The Next Edition of AOVA

I’d like to personally invite you to be part of the next edition of The Art of Voice Acting!
Since the first edition was published in 1998, The Art of Voice Acting has been recognized by industry professionals and educators as the single, most comprehensive book on the craft and business of voiceover ever written! While most books on voiceover focus on how the author “did it,” The Art of Voice Acting focuses on how the student of voice acting can master the craft and business of voiceover.
At close to 500 pages, the current edition of my book remains among the best-selling books on voiceover and is used by dozens of Universities throughout the U.S., the UK and China as a major textbook in broadcast and theater arts curriculum. Since 2010, The Art of Voice Acting has been referred to as “the Black Label of voiceover books,” and many professionals refer to it as “The Bible of Voiceover.”
New editions of The Art of Voice Acting hit bookstores world-wide roughly every four to five years! Each new edition is completely updated to include new trends, newly contributed content, new scripts and new audio. As each new publication cycle approaches, I re-read and adjust, literally, every page of the book. It’s a daunting task!
And I could sure use your help!
Here’s your opportunity to contribute to the next edition!
I’ve already begun work on the next edition, and I’d love to know your ideas about how to keep this book’s reputation as the best book on voiceover ever!
If you’re serious about voiceover, you probably have at least one of the previous editions. And I know many of you have all of them! If you have more than one edition, you already know that with each new edition, I completely update the trends, add completely new scripts, and have contributions from some of the top voiceover professionals from around the world. I plan to do all of that again (and more) with the each new edition and I’ve already got some great ideas for updating several sections of the book.
I’d really like to know what YOU would like to see in the next edition – or be a part of it. So, whether you’re a full-time working pro or just getting started in voiceover, I’d like to hear from you.
If you’d like to contribute something, please know that you can submit several items for consideration. The choice of content is completely up to you. I’ve got just about every facet of voiceover covered in my book, so I can most likely fit you in most anywhere. What I’m looking for is a tip, idea, technique, concept, business process or anything you think will be helpful to my readers, many of which are university students. I’m especially looking for scripts with the accompanying audio.
Of course, I can’t guarantee that all submissions will be accepted, but if you’ve got a great tip, technique or script, I’ll do my best to work you in someplace. You also need to know that there will be no financial compensation for your contribution. However, you will get credit a line in the book along with a short bio and the URL for your website.
- PROFESSIONAL VO TALENT: If you are a working professional and you’d like to “give back” to the voiceover community, here’s your chance. Maybe you’ve got a great marketing idea, a unique performance technique, a crazy studio story or even if you would just like to share your thoughts about the voiceover business, please let me know. It can be anything – as long as it has to do with voiceover. No need to write it now… just let me know you have something to contribute and I’ll follow-up with you in a few months
- JUST GETTING STARTED: If you’re a first-time reader of my book, maybe there was something specific you were looking for, or that you found difficult to find. I’d love to hear your ideas for new content and your suggestions for making my book easier to navigate.
- AUTHOR: If you are the author of a book on voiceover, I’d absolutely LOVE to include something from you in the next edition. The mere fact that you also have a book on the subject gives you extremely high credibility. I don’t consider your book as competition. Instead, I look at every other book on voiceover as providing additional information and perspectives to this unique business. In fact, I’ve probably recommended your book at one time or another. I have no problem cross-promoting.
- VO COACH: If you teach workshops or classes on voiceover, you most likely have lots of ideas on how to work with voiceover talent. I’d love to hear from you.
- TALENT AGENT – PRODUCER – AUDIO ENGINEER: If you are a talent agent, a producer, a director, or an engineer, you absolutely have knowledge and information about the inner workings of the business that is worth sharing. May I share your thoughts in the next edition?
- VIDEO PRODUCER/DIRECTOR: Perhaps you produce high-end video productions and you’ve worked with a lot of voiceover talent. You’ve undoubtedly got at least a few VO stories, tips, or tricks. I know my readers would love to hear them.
- EDUCATOR: If you are one of the dozens of professors using my book in your classes: Is there anything I can do to make the book more functional to you as a text book? Please let me know!
- GRAPHIC ARTIST: If you’re a graphic artist, I’ll be needing some line drawings for parts of the next edition. Let me know if you’re interested. Oh… and if you’ve got an idea for the book cover, let me know. I’ve personally designed the covers for every edition so far, but I’m open to seeing what other ideas might be out there. So… let me know.
- SCRIPTS: If you’re a copy writer and you’ve written one or more “killer” scripts that have been produced – and you’d like to see your work in the next edition… let me know. Or if you’ve got a client that will release a great script you worked on (ideally, along with the original recording), that would be awesome!
- FEATURED IN A PRODUCTION: Or, perhaps you performed as voice talent on an award-winning or well-received project and you know the producer (so you can get the necessary clearance). I’d love to hear from you. (Maybe you’re the producer!)
- YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE: Perhaps you’ve read prior editions and you would like to know more about a specific topic… let me know.
- YOU THINK I MISSED SOMETHING: Maybe you think I overlooked something in a past edition… let me know.
- YOU THINK I OVER-DID IT: Or maybe you think I spent too much time on a topic… let me know. I’ve read a review for an earlier edition that says I mentioned “taking classes” too often. I’m not sure I agree with that, but I cut back on that point in more recent editions.
- YOU’VE GOT A LIST: One of our students mentioned that he’s added about 15 more items to a list of things I included in the 4th edition. He’ll be sending his list on over and I’m sure at least part of his list will make it to a future edition.
- YOU’D LIKE TO SEE SOMETHING FROM A TOP VO PRO, ACTOR, AGENT, OR PRODUCER: Starting with the 2nd edition, each new publication has featured articles and content from some of the top voiceover professional in the world. If there is a particular voice actor or industry professional you’d like to see in my book, please let me know. I can’t guarantee they will be included, but if you don’t ask, I won’t know to ask them. (Note: If you have an email address or other contact information for them, please include it.)
In short… your ideas are welcome. What do you like about my book… and what do you not like about it? I’m open to all comments and suggestions. Even if you have some negative comments, please send them in a constructive format.
It doesn’t matter what your idea or suggestion is, as long as it is directly related to the craft or business of voiceover and intended to help make the next edition of The Art of Voice Acting the best ever.
Just send an email to with your ideas or suggestions. (If this link doesn’t open your email program, please copy the address and paste it into a new email before sending to me.)
IMPORTANT: Please make the subject line of your email: “AOVA NEXT”. I have some filters on my email, so if the subject line isn’t correct, I may not see your email.
If your idea, suggestion, or other content is included in the next edition, your name will be included in the book and I’ll send you a special gift for being a contributor.
Obviously, anything that makes it into the book will need to be cleared and you can download my publisher’s release form here. You’ll need to print it out, complete the form, scan it, and email it to me.
For now, I’d just like to know if you have any suggestions or if you’d like to be part of the next edition. Or you can just send your contribution as a MS Word document.
Thank you for your time and suggestions.
James R. Alburger
Author, “The Art of Voice Acting”