Services and Rates
Your voiceover demo is a critical component of your marketing plan. We’ve been producing VO demos for more than 20 years and we know what the talent buyers are looking for. One thing we will NOT do – which many other demo producers do – is send you away after your recording session while we take a week or two to produce your demo. When you invite us to produce your demo, you’ll leave our studio with your demo in hand… and you’ll have a very clear perspective of the entire production process.
VoiceActing.com offers a variety of services for voiceover demo production and evaluation. Our goal is to provide outstanding production quality and services that will get you noticed and get you work. Please feel free to call with any questions or to schedule a free 15-minute telephone consultation. Please call between 10am—5pm M-F, Pacific time.
For more information or to get your questions answered about voiceover demos, please visit our page for “Everything You Need to Know (or Almost Everything) About Voiceover Demos”.
Listen to VO demos we’ve produced HERE.
The VoiceActing.com
Demo Production Process
As your demo producer, we’ll work with you through a three-step process to ensure that your demo represents your performing abilities to the best degree possible. Each step of the process prepares you for your demo session.
- Step 1 – You’ll meet with us for an hour or so, either at our studio, or by phone or Zoom to discuss the type of demo you want to produce, begin the process of script selection, and start work on your marketing plan. You’ll leave with an assignment to bring more ideas to our next meeting.
- Step 2 – During our second meeting we’ll narrow down your script ideas and further refine your marketing plan.
- Step 3 – Your demo session. Plan to spend the entire day with us. After recording your dry voice tracks, we want you to participate in the post-production process so you fully understand what goes into the production of a completed voiceover project. If we’re working remotely, you’ll be welcome to observe the production process via our Zoom session.
Your Options for
Voiceover Demo Production
from VoiceActing.com
When we produce your demo, you will receive two MP3 files of your produced demo: a long version (usually about 1:30), and a 1-minute cut-down for your agent. An MP3 file of both edits will be emailed to you or we’ll copy the files to a flash drive you bring to your session. Narration and audio book demos will be longer, but you’ll still get two versions. Click here to listen to demos we’ve produced for some of our clients.
We require a personal phone call from you before booking any of our demo or consulting services. The purpose of this call is for us to discuss your background, training, and experience, and to identify exactly how we can best help you with your voiceover work. In some cases, a demo is not the best step to take. There is no charge for this consultation call.
We understand your enthusiasm and eagerness for wanting to produce your demo. However, if you do not have excellent performing skills and a marketing plan in place, you will be wasting your money on a demo. We won’t take your money just because you want to spend it.
After speaking with us — and if we determine that you are ready for your demo — you can book your demo session using your credit card (via PayPal), by using Zelle for a bank-to-bank funds transfer, or on-line by calling us.
IMPORTANT: When you book a demo session with us, we reserve the option to stop your session at any time if we feel you are not prepared to enter the voiceover marketplace or if your performing skills are not at a professional level. If we stop your session, you will only be charged for studio time used or a minimum of 1-hour at our regular studio rate.
$2,000 per demo — You must call us
We’ll record your voice in our studio, from your home studio via a Zoom session, or supervise your session on a Zoom call or phone patch to the studio of your choice. Once we have your best performance recorded, we’ll create a killer demo and a 1-minute cut-down for your agent. If you’re in the Southern California area and can travel to our studio for your session and production. This can be more cost-effective than our other demo packages. Your entire cost for a demo is $2,000 which is about 1/2 to 1/3 of what it will cost to produce a demo at some studios in Los Angeles. This full production package includes help with customized copy (as needed), all directing, session time, music licensing and all production. Outside studio costs, graphics design, printing, duplication, and web site services, are not included.
$1,597 pkg. flat rate – You must call us.
(You provide dry voice tracks on CD or .wav files – no .mp3)
This package includes everything for your demo, up to 2-minutes in length (1 minute to 1:15 recommended), except your voice! All music, sound effects, production elements, licenses, and studio time are included. You provide the raw, dry recordings of your voice, or high-quality audio of prior work (on CD or .wav files) and we take it from there. NOTE: We reserve the option to decline production of your demo (with a full refund of any deposit) if we determine that the voice tracks you provide are not up to our standards of professionalism in performance skills or recording quality.
Basic studio time at $150 per hour, 1 hour minimum
You must call us to book demo re-edits.
We can re-build it! We have the technology! Send us your existing demo on CD or as .wav or .aiff files and we’ll re-edit it, re-organize it, tighten it up, clean it up, and make it a more marketable demo. We’ll send you a 1-minute version (standard for most talent agents) and a long version (1:30 is the most common length for web sites and direct delivery demos.) If you need a different length, just let us know.
$5,000 flat rate — You must call us
Our PROFESSIONAL PACKAGE demo production is intended for working professionals who want to take their voice-over business to the next level. James Alburger will work with you for a full week to define and polish your style, technique and delivery; prepare customized copy to maximize your performance; develop a marketing plan; record your performance; produce a killer demo; and help with your home studio design. You’ll master new techniques to get you to your optimum performance faster than ever. Please call for more information and to schedule your Professional Package. This demo package is specifically intended to prepare you for your demo and does not include basic performance coaching. Please see our Private Coaching services for more information on performance coaching.
$200 per hour – You must call us.
Demo production is not included
Pro-rated by 1/4 hour after the first hour (1-hour minimum).
James Alburger will serve as your demo producer by personally directing your voiceover demo session via a ZOOM video meeting while you are recording your tracks in another studio of your choice or at your home studio. No matter where you record your demo voice tracks, you need an experienced producer/director to make certain you deliver the best performance possible. We can work with you prior to your session, during your session, or both. Ideal for VO talent recording tracks outside of San Diego. For best quality, we recommend booking a local recording studio to record your tracks.
$175/hr (1 hour minimum) – You must call us.
Personalized one-on-one coaching by James Alburger will specifically focus on polishing your performance prior to producing your demo. Long-distance coaching is ideal for those living outside of Southern California. Telephone coaching is based on a 1-hour session. Longer sessions, or coaching with James can be arranged. Please call for full details. If you’re thinking of polishing your performing skills, you might want to consider joining our Conductor’s Club mastermind group.
$250 flat rate (included with full demo package)
Now you can have demo scripts written just for you! We will prepare the copy for up to 12 tracks for your commercial demo or 6 tracks for your narrative demo. Custom copy is included in our Professional Package.
“The Art of Voice Acting” book is a required text for all personalized coaching.
Private one-on-one in-person or remote coaching:
- Individual 1-hour coaching sessions – no demo: $175 per hour – individual sessions, no commitment
- 8 coaching session block – no demo: $150/session ($1200 commitment – 8 consecutive weeks)
- 6 1-hour coaching sessions at $175, including separate demo session*: $2995
- 10 1-hour coaching sessions at $150, including separate demo session*: $3495
Acceptable methods of payment for personalized coaching: cash or zelle bank transfer.
*Demo production is not guaranteed and will depend on individual progress. If student is determined to not be ready for demo production after allotted coaching sessions, additional coaching sessions will be available at $100 per session until student is determined to be ready for demo production. Demo production included in block packages is valued at $2000 for a single voiceover demo and includes commercial, narration, and audiobook demos only.
Send us your audio or video demo for an e-mail critique and recommendations on what you can do to improve your performance. It’s like a personal consultation! We evaluate both voice and on-camera demos. For more information on our Demo Evaluation services. Click here for information on how to contact us.
$100 flat rate
We will evaluate your voice-over demo for commercial, narrative, imaging, promo, character, or animation. Demos can be submitted on CD, as an MP3 file, or as a website link. Submissions cannot be returned. Please allow 1-week for a Voice Demo Evaluation. You’ll receive an MP3 or MP4 file with our detailed and in-depth evaluation of your demo, including our suggestions for changes and improvements.
$150 flat rate
We will evaluate your on-camera talent demo for spokesperson, commercial, corporate training, interviewer, news reporting (studio or field), and news anchor.
You will receive an extensive e-mail reply with recommendations for ways you can improve your voice-over or on-camera performance. Call us for a complimentary consultation before sending us your video file. Please allow 1-week for a Video Evaluation.
$150/hr (1 hour minimum)
In our studio or over the phone, we will be pleased to consult with you regarding your copy choices, rehearsal and preparation for your demo session. Please call for more information or to set up a consultation. NOTE: A 1-hour consultation is included with your booking for a demo production session.
Demo Production and Evaluation/Consultation Policies:
- Production of a voiceover demo is for the purpose of marketing and demonstration of your performing skills only, and does not constitute a guarantee of work or representation.
- All consulting, coaching, and production services provided by VoiceActing.com are intended to assist in the development of performing skills and a viable marketing plan for the promotion of our clients as voiceover or performing talent. VoiceActing.com makes no warranties or guarantees on the effectiveness of any services provided.
- Submitted demos or voice tracks cannot be returned, regardless of format.
- All services ordered must be guaranteed in advance with a 50% deposit or full pre-payment. Payment for on-site services may be with cash, check, PayPal or credit card.
- We do not offer payment plans for evaluation, consulting, or production services. If you need to make payments over time, we suggest that you use a credit card.
- Unless noted otherwise, all Demo Production and Evaluation services noted as “flat rate” are at the posted fee, regardless of the amount of time it takes us to complete the production or evaluation.
- Services posted as “hourly” are first-hour as posted, with each additional hour pro-rated by the quarter-hour.
- CD replication, graphics design, printing, website services, shipping, third-party services and outside studio time are not included in any Demo Production package.
- All demo production and consultation fees are due and payable upon delivery of the completed demo or at the conclusion of the consultation session unless other arrangements have been made in advance.
- There are no refunds for demo production, evaluation or other consulting services.
- We reserve the option to stop any consultation or cancel any demo production session at any time if we determine your performing skills are not at a competitive, professional level, or if we feel our services will not be of benefit to you as a voice talent or performer.
- You may receive a full refund, less a $50 processing fee in the event that we have started a demo production session and we cancel your session after determining that you are not ready for your demo.