The VoiceActing Academy
Performance Intensive Event
puts everything you learn in
The Art of Voice Acting
into laser sharp focus.

You’ve got the book…
Now get personalized coaching from the author, James Alburger!
If you came directly to this page and you don’t have The Art of Voice Acting… you can order your copy HERE.
Pre-register for any future workshop with the PIE Webinars.
Please call or text +1 858.484.0220 Before Registering.
PIE is only $597 for both days of training, personalized coaching and webinars.
Tuition includes nearly 6 hours of webinars and lots of bonuses.
Travel and accommodation info for Live, in-person events sent after registration.
Get the most from PIE in San Diego

5+ Hours of Webinars
You’ll get immediate access to nearly 6 hours of recorded webinars that will give you all the lecture content for the P.I.E. workshop. Watch and learn before you attend the live workshop.

Personalized Coaching
Personalized coaching is the key to mastering voiceover. During the live P.I.E. workshop, you’ll receive plenty of personalized coaching from James Alburger in several areas of VO.

Everything is Recorded
All on-mic coaching sessions are recorded, and you’ll get a copy of everyone’s recordings – not just yours! Use the direction we give others to rapidly build your own performing skills.
Get the training you need in the niche of your choice.
P.I.E. isn’t just for those getting started in voiceover! If you’ve got a specific niche you’d like to focus on, just bring some challenging scripts with you to P.I.E. (or let us know the niche), and James will work with you to hone your specific performing skills in that niche.
I had an incredible experience during this 2-day workshop. It was such a supportive and encouraging environment. This allowed me to leave my inhibitions at the door and gave me permission to play. I also loved the intimacy of the work setting. It allowed all of us to get more hands-on experience and personal feedback.
One of the biggest things I learned is just how hard this VO thing really is! And how vital it is to creating strong characters in whatever VO niche you pursue. It’s all about voice acting, not just reading lines of copy (anyone can do that!).
I loved that the focus was on the performance aspect of voiceover. I gained so much knowledge from just getting up there and doing it! And I learned so much from the other performers.
I love that we will get to keep all of our recordings [everyone’s]! James Alburger is truly the ”VO Guru”! I really enjoyed learning from him!! It is so inspiring to see a person living out their passions and dreams and pursuing what they were called on this Earth to do.
But the best part is – James Alburger is willing to share his gifts and talents with the rest of us! I just feel so honored and grateful to have had this experience. Needless to say, it was well worth the investment.
Thank you so much, Mr. Alburger!
Melissa Craig – July 2018, San Diego PIE workshop
Personalized, one-on-one coaching is absolutely the best way to learn and quickly master voiceover performing skills. During our San Diego workshop, you’ll work closely with James Alburger in the comfort of VoiceActing Studios. You’ll experience several intensive on-mic coaching sessions covering several genres of voiceover.
During our “Slice of PIE in the Sky” online workshop, you’ll be participating from the comfort of your home (or wherever you have a solid Internet connection). Either way, there’s nothing quite like being part of a group of like-minded people who are all eager to learn and master new skills. And that’s exactly what you’ll get with the VoiceActing Academy P.I.E. workshops.
I highly recommend spending a weekend with Jim. Several years ago, he gave me knowledge I would have been hard-pressed to get anywhere else and most importantly – Direction (career and otherwise), which led to success within a year. This was money and time well spent in my case!
Bob Hurley (BobHurleyVoiceovers.com)
Get Your Piece of the Voiceover PIE

Just wanted to reinforce again, how beneficial the two-day session in San Diego was for me. Everything that’s been said about reading from a book or listening to VO CDs, relative to advancing your VO skill set is true! It will never measure up to being right there with the right VO coach! Your book is a tremendous tool for preparation, without which I wuld have been flyhing blind. As a newbie in VO, the weekend truly fulfilled one of my goals I set when I started to study radio broadcasting and audio production at the broadcast center in St. Louis, and that was to progress on the path to a VO career by studying with the best in the VO business. I believe hat my work over the past 10 months gave me a decent foundation in the basics of professional broadcasting and vocal delivery, but there’s no doubt that I’ve just scratched the surface in developing my VO skill set. I want to thank you for the great coaching and personal attention! I have much more confidence that my goal of entering into the medical narration segment of VO will be achieved! Thanks for the tremendous learning experience and getting me on the right path!
Richard Briscoe – San Diego PIE Workshop
Performing for voiceover can be some of the best… and most profitable… fun you’ll have! Ever!
But “doing voiceover” professionally as a full-time voice artist can be challenging, frustrating, and expensive… especially if you don’t know what you’re doing! In other words, voiceover, in many ways, is exactly like any other business you might start.
But there are also many things that make voiceover very different from other business ventures… and voiceover is not for everyone!
To learn how to “do the business” correctly, you need to study with someone who’s done it… and continues to do it. We’ve been working in voiceover, both on mic and as producers, directors, copy writers, coaches, and production engineers for more than 40 years.
Need more credibility? How about 11 Emmys for audio production and sound design, the author of “The Art of Voice Acting,” considered by most professionals to be the “bible” of the industry, and co-producer of the VOICE conventions, the world’s original International voiceover convention.
Do some research before you sign up for any voiceover workshop! And consider, very carefully, any coach who tells you that “you’ve got a great voice,” or recommends that you produce an expensive demo after taking only a few classes. Chances are you may not be ready.
There are literally thousands of people who want to break into voiceover, and those who succeed will be the people who are well trained and know what they’re doing. We’ll make sure your voiceover work has you on the right path.
Is voiceover Right for You?
Maybe . . . maybe not!
Voiceover isn’t for everyone. Only you can be the judge as to whether or not pursuing a career in voiceover is right for you. If you’re not sure, you might want to visit this page and listen to our podcast “Is Voiceover Right for Me?”.
One thing we can say is that many of our students never intend to become voiceover talent. The performing and communication skills we teach are often more important than “breaking into voiceover.”
We’ve taught professional speakers, sales people, clergy, radio and television news reporters, actors, tele-marketers, and even theme park employees how to be more effective communicators through the use of voiceover and acting skills.
Voiceover is a specialized area of “show-business” that requires dedication, acting ability, specialized performing skills, excellent reading skills, and passion.
To be truly successful, you must want to do voiceover because you can’t live without it! If you don’t know yet if VO is something you might want to pursue, then our recommendation is to read The Art of Voice Acting book before you take any voiceover class. Just because people tell you “you’ve got a great voice — you should be doing commercials,” doesn’t mean you should drop everything and start taking voiceover classes.
“Breaking into voiceover” is a serious decision that can literally change your life . . . and you should at least learn the basics about the craft and business of voiceover before you spend your hard-earned money on more classes, books, and workshops.
PIE is Different
Our goal is to give you the best training and education in acting for voiceover that you will find anywhere. Our primary training is our Weekend Performance Intensive, which includes nearly 6 hours of webinars and 2 very full days of hands-on, fast-paced, personalized coaching. We also offer a condensed online version from time to time that we call “PIE in the Sky” which also includes the webinars.
The VoiceActing Academy Performance Intensive Event is NOT a seminar or webinar where you passively listen to lectures or simply watch your computer screen! Oh, no… PIE is a totally interactive workshop. When you attend either our San Diego Performance Intensive in person, or our online PIE in the Sky workshop, you’ll be interacting with James throughout the event.
After you’ve got some basic training under your belt, we offer very affordable on-going support and coaching through our Conductor’s Club membership site. Visit www.ConductorsClub.com for details. Personalized private coaching is also available.
The VoiceActing Academy P.I.E. Workshop is all about using acting, voiceover, and performing techniques for more effective communication – and these skills can be used in every area of your life.
Because this workshop is all about your performance, you will – of course – get lots of time on mic! But, unlike most other VO workshops, we don’t put you in front of a microphone before you know what you’re doing. The first section of our workshop consists of a series of comprehensive webinars designed to help you fully understand the performing concepts you’ll be working with when you are on mic. We encourage you to study the webinars before attending the workshop. By the way… after the workshop, you’ll continue to have access to the webinars, so you can review them whenever you like.
During the VoiceActing Academy Performance Intensive Event Workshop:
- You’ll get first-hand experience learning how to apply voice acting and performance techniques.
- You’ll receive intensive, personalized one-on-one coaching throughout the workshop.
- You’ll get the information you need to know to be successful as a voice actor and communicator.
- You’ll learn “tricks of the trade” and other tools you can use to immediately improve the way you communicate with others.
- You’ll learn acting and performing “tricks” and techniques that you won’t find in any other voiceover or acting workshop… anywhere.
- You’ll receive the recordings of everyone in your workshop – not just your recordings. Every coaching session is different, and we’ll often give a direction note or tip to someone else in your workshop that you can use to improve your performance. You’ll have access to everything recorded.
Sometimes a Little PIE Just Isn’t Enough!
Register today for VoiceActing Academy’s
Performance Intensive Event and get these audio bonuses!
- AOVA Workshop #1 – Panel – 1 hour 17 min MP3: San Diego professionals Mel Hall (producer/director/Voice Talent), Robert Concha (producer/director), and top LA coach MJ Lallo (voice actor, coach, producer/director)
- AOVA Workshop #2 – Panel – 1 hour 19 min MP3: Rob Actis (voice talent); Dan Balestrero (Los Angeles voiceover coach); Norman Flint (voice talent/producer); and Chuck Buell (voice talent).
- AOVA Workshop #3 – Chicago Workshop Session – The Business of Voiceover – 45 min MP3: An in-depth and comprehensive discussion of the business of voiceover by James Alburger & Penny Abshire with additional comments from Chicago Producer David Lewis. This recording immediately preceded the Chicago Guest Panel at the workshop.
- AOVA Workshop #4 – Chicago Workshop Panel – 1 hour 39 min MP3: Guest panel features Chicago professionals discussing the craft and business of voiceover: Lynne Hamilton (Chicago talent agent); Sherri Berger (Chicago voiceover coach and talent); Harlan Hogan (author and Chicago VO talent); David Lewis (Chicago producer).
- AOVA Workshop #5 – Panel – 1 hour 18 min MP3: Guest panel features professionals: Norman Flint (voiceover talent & producer); Phil Ganyon (Ad agency owner & voice talent); Jeff Buchannan (video game voiceover producer & director); and Debbie Munro (voiceover coach and talent from Canada).
- Three Comic-Con seminars presented by James Alburger & Penny Abshire
Plus, you’ll get our entire collection of media interviews, including the WGN “Extension 720” program from Chicago featuring James, Penny, Tim Dadabo and Doug James.
When you attend both full days of a San Diego or online PIE workshp, you will receive a download link for Everything VOICE! – the complete session recordings from all 5 VOICE conventions! Each convention featured some of the top voiceover professionals from around the world. This bonus is a $597 value and is only available when you attend both full days of PIE. Take a look at the VOICE Convention presenters and content HERE.
Register today for the VAA Performance Intensive Event
- Select your payment option
- If you’ve never attended please use either the “Full Payment” option or reserve a future seat with the “PIE Deposit”.
- If you’ve already purchased the webinars as a deposit, please use the “Balance Due” option below.
$497 Full Tuition paid in advance* covers the entire 2-day in-person workshop (or 2-day online workshop) and all webinars, bonuses, and more.
or $200 deposit for the webinars with $297 due prior to the workshop.
PIE Workshop Registration
Full Tuition: $497 or Deposit: $200
Select payment option below.
Sat & Sun
9am – 5pm both days
Selecting an option here will take you directly to PayPal to complete your registration.
Full Payment Options:
(Event location, directions and more are included in your
“Registration Package” sent upon completion of registration.)
PIE Deposit Only – Includes Webinars
Select this option to get access to the PIE Webinars without attending a PIE workshop at this time. Purchasing the webinar series serves as a deposit for any future PIE workshop. If attending a workshop now, please use the “Full Payment” option above.
Balance Due or Graduate
Use this option if you’ve already purchased the webinar series as a deposit, or if you will be attending as a graduate.
* Things You Should Know about our PIE Terms and Conditions:
* Tuition is discounted for advance registration: Full walk-in tuition on first day of event is $797. Late retistration tuition during last week prior to event start is $697.
Senior, Military and Graduate discounts available.
Minimum Attendance: A minimum of two full-paid attendees is required for any San Diego in-person PIE workshop and a minimum of 3 full-paid attendees is required for the online PIE In the Sky workshop to take place as scheduled. If the minimum number of attendees is not reached within two weeks of the scheduled workshop start, the event may be rescheduled. Workshops are capped at a maximum of 8 participants.
Auditing the P.I.E. Workshop: The P.I.E. workshop is a small group event with very personalized coaching that is customized for each attendee. Also, the bulk of lecture material is included in the webinars that accompany registration. For these and other reasons, we do not permit auditing.
Discounts: Graduates of past VoiceActing Academy Performance Workshops (either the original AOVA 8-week workshop, the P.I.E. workshop, or the VAA Mastering the Business of Voiceover) may attend any P.I.E. workshop at a discounted tuition of $100.00. A maximum of two graduates (in addition to the minimum number of attendees) may be admitted per workshop, depending on the number of full-paid attendees registered. Graduates are admitted on a first-come basis about a week prior to workshop start.
Seniors over 55 and Military receive a $50 discount off all regular workshop tuition. Senior/Military discount does not apply for graduate registration. Only one discount may be applied for any event registration.
Deposit: A non-refundable deposit of $100 (or $100 of your full tuition payment) gives you immediate lifetime access to the PIE webinars and advertised workshop bonus downloads.
Cancellation by you: You may cancel your registration for this event if notice of cancellation is delivered in writing by email or US Postal Service within 30 days from your original registration date (addresses below). Upon cancellation, your registration tuition will be refunded less the $100 non-refundable deposit fee for lifetime access to the webinars, workshop materials and bonus downloads. In the event that cancellation results in attendance below the required minimum, the workshop may be rescheduled.
Late Refund Request & No Show: Refund or cancellation requests after 30 days from the date of registration, or a “no-show” without written notification, will not be honored. Any payments made shall be forfeited and shall not qualify for a rescheduled event or graduate status.
Rescheduling: Your registration and paid tuition or deposit can be applied to a future workshop under the following conditions: 1) In the event of cancellation or rescheduling by VoiceActing Academy, 2) You notify us in writing no less than 30 days prior to the start date of a workshop you have registered for, and you do not attend. 3) If you registered with a $100 deposit, with the intention of attending a P.I.E. workshop, but fail to attend, your deposit can be applied to any future PIE workshop.
Travel: Travel and accommodations are not included in tuition. We recommend holding off on making hotel and travel arrangements until we confirm the event. The online PIE workshop is held via Zoom video conference and requires no travel. A list of nearby hotels is included in the Registration Package, sent following completion of registration.
Tuition: Full regular tuition for PIE is $797. Advance payment of $597 in full at time of registration will earn a discount of $200 off the full tuition. A non-refundable deposit of $100 gives you unlimited access to the webinars and guarantees your seat at a future workshop with a balance of $497 due prior to the event.
Business Hours: For the purpose of this notice, business days are Monday through Friday, not including holidays, 10am to 5pm. Send your refund, cancellation or rescheduling request to: info@voiceacting.com, by mail to VoiceActing Academy at the address on the “Contact Us” page of this website, or call 858.484.0220 M-F between 10am and 5pm PT. These terms and conditions are subject to change or revision at any time without notice.