The Art of Voice Acting
Sixth Edition
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The Art of Voice Acting is the ultimate reference work on the craft and business of voiceover.

Here’s what people are saying about
The Art of Voice Acting
This is one of the most comprehensive books on voiceover that I’ve read. I purchased the second edition in the early 2000’s and loved it. This 6th edition is even better. It has grown thicker over the years as it is filled with much more information than the second edition plus the author, James R. Alburger has meticulously kept it up to date as the business changes.
This book is perfect for folks new to voiceover as well as those who are veterans. It contains breathing exercises, mic techniques, tips on creating characters, how to create a demo and much, much more. At nearly 500 pages this one is a bargain. I’d file this one under reference books, because you can jump to any section to look up information that you need, when you need it.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to enter the world of voiceover. No fluff in this one, just straightforward information that you can put into action immediately. At the end of the book there is an entire section of interviews with experts in the field who offer advice to you. This section is gold in my opinion because this is a business where many hide their secrets, so kudos to these pros for sharing their knowledge with the author and the reader.
I started using “The Art of Voice Acting” when I was teaching a Voice and Diction class at my acting school, and after reading [the] book, I restructured it into a “Voice Acting” class. The amount of free web links inside is worth more than all the Voice Acting books on the market. I understand why it’s considered the bible of Voice Acting. I have recommended it as “The” Voice Acting resource for my students and fellow aspiring voice actors ever since. I have [this] book to thank for the foundation of my training. Thanks Jim for inspiring me to pursue my Voice Acting dream.
David Letendre, voice actor and coach

The Art of Voice Acting is the only book on voiceover that is used as a major theater arts text book by dozens of colleges and universities in the U.S.

Completely Updated
The 6th edition of The Art of Voice Acting has been updated with the latest information on current trends and technology.

All New Scripts
Every major area of voiceover is covered and all new scripts are included for practice.

Tons of Extra Content
An entire website has been devoted to The Art of Voice Acting with scripts and audio from all past editions plus missing chapters and more.
As I have always said: your book, “The Art of Voice Acting,” was what triggered my VO career, inspired me and in many ways got me to where I am today. And when I was invited for presenter at VOICE 2008 as the first Scandinavian voice actor it was a confirmation and important milestone, apart from the sheer joy of being among so many professional colleagues.
Since then, I have been working steadily, have clients in 20+ countries worldwide, been voted Sweden’s most Solid Voice and got my first Manley Ref C microphone last year. Your “A-B-C” principle is one of my favourite tools, as well as “Tell me, don’t sell me”. So, thank you James Alburger and the Voice Acting Academy!
Stefan Chinell Voiceovers –
Here’s What’s New in the 6th Edition!
- Completely updated for today’s VO trends
- 500 pages devoted to every aspect of the craft and business of voiceover
- An entire website devoted to support files, downloadable forms, playbacks, additional chapters, articles and more.
- More techniques
- More exercises
- All new scripts
- Two chapters with contributions from top VO professionals from around the world
- More niche areas of voiceover work are discussed
- An entire chapter is devoted to your Home Studio
- More information about the changing world of voiceover technology
- A completely new chapter of studio stories and “tricks-of-the-trade” from professional voiceover talent around the world
- Updated information for voiceover demos and marketing
- A comprehensive index that makes it easy to find what you’re looking for
“The Art of Voice Acting truly has something for everyone from the beginner to the experienced voiceover talent. After 15 years of doing voice acting part time, I was researching ways to take my work to the next level, and this book helped me do just that with insightful advice delivered in a friendly, conversational manner. It should be on every aspiring and professional voiceover talent’s shelf!”
Kelly Buttrick, voice actor –
Order Your Autographed Copy of “The Art of Voice Acting” today and get These Bonuses:

A copy of James Alburger’s How to Get Jobs for the Voices in Your Head eBook, complete with scripts and audio files, will be waiting for you to download from your VoiceActing Academy account (a $12 value).
And you’ll also get downloadable copies of both of Penny Abshire’s Food 4 Thought Ebooks jam-packed with motivational stories that will inspire you as you travel the path to voiceover success (a $20 value).

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