Part of the VAA Webinar Series:
Take Your Voiceover Work to the Next Level
There are certain techniques and tricks of the trade that are timeless, yet rarely discussed or taught.

This is true in most industries, including voiceover.
Every industry has its hidden, “secret” ways of doing things or certain “short cuts” that improve efficiency or quality. Most of these techniques and concepts are developed over years of testing and experimentation, and are handed down from generation to generation, worker to worker, but often not taught as part of most traditional training.
That’s what this webinar is all about!
Every voice actor wants to improve their performance on mic. This is one of the critical skills to becoming a successful voice actor and landing work. If you’re just getting started in voiceover, this webinar will explain exactly what your job as a voice actor is all about and will give you a clear perspective on how to effectively communicate the message in any script. If you’ve had some training in voiceover, or are already landing some jobs, this webinar will give you some new ideas and insights as to how you can look at your voiceover work differently and truly take it to the next level.
James Alburger and Penny Abshire (now retired) originally presented this program as part of a VO Atlanta convention. The concepts and techniques they share are timeless and are just as valid today as they were then… and will continue to be valid in the future. Most of the concepts taught in this program are demonstrated through coaching of partipants working a variety of scripts.
In this fast-paced, entertaining, 90-minute program you’ll learn:
- Exactly what you do as a voice actor (what your job really is.)
- What our clients expect from us
- How to get to a creative performance
- The concept of “no guessing”
- The effective 4-part structure of communication that gets results
- How to find alternative choices
- Things that get in the way of telling the story
- How minor adjustments can make a major change in your performance
- How to create an authentic performance
- How to get to a conversational delivery
- The key components of a great performance
and much, much more!
Many of the concepts and techniques covered in this program are also taught in James Alburger’s Performance Intensive Events (the PIE workshop) and are also covered in greater detail as part of the PIE Webinar Series, included with the workshop. You will also find these concepts discussed in James’ book, The Art of Voice Acting.
When you order this webinar, you’ll also receive a downloadable PDF file of the scripts used during the program.
Because we want to let as many voice actors as possible have access to these powerful techniques and performing tools, we’ve taking them out of hiding and are giving you access to them forever at a super low price.
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“Take Your VO Work to the Next Level
Webinar: The VO Atlanta Session”
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